Annie Cooley
Grades Teacher
Annie Cooley graduated from UW-Milwaukee in the Fall of 2020 with a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and a minor in English as a Second Language. She has been a member of the Prairie Hill community for many years, working with the Summer Garden program and serving as the Willow Tree Kindergarten lead teacher for the past three years. This year, she is excited to begin her new journey teaching in the grades.
Ms. Cooley began her journey with Prairie Hill back when she was just three years old in Wonder Garden. She later graduated from 8th grade in 2012 with Mrs. Kilmer, and has since been drawn back into the beauty of Waldorf education. She believes that connecting students with the natural world awakens their curiosity and creativity, fostering respect for both the environment and their community. She is dedicated to creating a classroom environment where each student feels valued, confident, and supported.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination circles the world”
– Albert Einstein