Waldorf Education Community
"Community is everything. It compels you to be wise, to be vulnerable enough and to surround yourself with people who will take care of you and vice versa. But it's not just about need. It's also about fun - unscripted relationships that evolve over years and years."
- Courtney E Martin, author
Belonging to a community is an essential human need that is becoming harder to find as it requires more than simply being in the same place at the same time. It takes effort to be open with others, and receptive of their needs and differences. We believe that the rewards of being a part of a strong community are something everyone should experience, and much work is done to ensure everyone has a place at Prairie Hill. Through our rich festival life, volunteer opportunities and shared experiences, we come together in support of one another and our school.

Festival Life:
Being part of a Waldorf school means becoming part of a community that celebrates the changing of the seasons through a rich festival life. Learn more about our Festivals + Events.

Volunteer Opportunities:
Using your time and talent strengthens your ties to our community while helping our school continue to thrive. Learn how you can help.

Support Our Mission:
Like many small non-profit schools we rely on contributions to close the gap between tuition and the true cost of a Waldorf Education. Please consider donating to further our mission.