"Receive the children in reverence, educate them in love, send them forth in freedom."
- RUDOLF STEINER, founder of Waldorf Education
Strong and Confident Leaders:
Your eighth grader is ready to expand beyond what is comfortable and known and find their own unique path forward. This significant year is used to refine the strong sense of self already emerging and to recognize the students as important leaders in our school community. As the students transition out of middle school, high school readiness is exhibited in the students' confidence when presented with new challenges, ability to take initiative, and willingness to take intellectual risks while pursuing their passions.
Our curriculum responds to the student's desire to improve the world, and to leave their mark upon it as a way of defining who they are. The personalities of the great industrial, scientific and political revolutions from the 1700s to the present day speak to the students and show them how individuals can effect change in the world. The fight for human freedom echoes the growing feeling of independence within the students.
Even as the students stand more strongly as individuals, it remains vital that they continue to work together and resolve any conflict with compassion. As a class, they continue to refine communication skills and to speak and act without polarizing others. They learn to honor and celebrate the uniqueness of themselves and others. By being a Buddy to a first grader, they serve as a positive and loving role model for the younger students.
Your eighth grader will learn:
Mathematics: Algebra, geometry, including platonic solids
Language Arts: Short story writing, creative writing, composition, grammar, speech, presentation
Literature: Shakespeare
Science: Physics, including hydraulics and aerodynamics, chemistry, meteorology, human reproduction
Geography: Antarctica, Australia, Asia, global geography
History: Industrial Revolution, American history, human rights movements
Spanish: Each student compiles a portfolio that showcases their understanding of grammar, phonetics, vocabulary and culture
Physical Education: Circus arts including juggling, balance skills, acrobatics, gymnastics and team sports such as volleyball, soccer and basketball
Technology: Research skills, typing, programs, digital presentations
Electives: Students study various topics in art and humanities not already covered in the curriculum
Handwork: Machine sewing pillowcases, pajamas pants, shirts and potholders
Woodwork: Stools, benches, wooden boxes
Art: Acrylic painting, clay modeling, charcoal and form drawing
Theater: Class play complementing eighth grade curriculum
Music: Chorus, string ensemble, community-wide concerts
Additional information:
Field trips, including a culminating trip, are used to enrich classroom learning. Prior Waldorf experience is required to attend eighth grade. Classes are filled on a first come/first serve basis.
Schedule: (M, T, W, F) 8:00 a.m. to 3:15 p.m & (Thursdays) 8:00 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.
Drop-off opens at 7:45 a.m. & After Care Available
For more infomation please contact our Admissions Coordinator at 262-646-7497 or admissions@prairiehillwaldorf.org