Candace Decker
Practical Arts Teacher
Mrs. Decker has a background in theater and has taught arts, theatre and music for over 25 years.
"I've seen students step out of their comfort zone and allow themselves to be expressive through art. These projects not only allow for their inner artist to shine, but also promotes social interaction, problem solving skills and encourages students to go at their own pace without judgement. What excites me about this position is teaching students in a way that promotes the importance of arts, relationships, imagination and nature."
Applied Arts
"If you've had the experience of binding a book, knitting a sock, playing a recorder, then you feel that you can build a rocket ship—or learn a software program you've never touched. It's not bravado, just a quiet confidence. There is nothing you can't do. Why couldn't you? Why couldn't anybody?" -Peter Nitze, Alumni of Waldorf Education, Harvard, and Stanford
Students learn knitting, sewing, and woodwork. Learning these practical skills teaches the children patience, persistence, and perseverance.