"Diversity is having a seat at the table. Inclusion is having a voice.
And belonging is having that voice be heard."
- LIZ FOSSLIEN, author
Prairie Hill's Mission Statement
Prairie Hill Waldorf School awakens the capacity for dynamic thinking, creativity and compassion inspiring children to contribute their unique gifts to the world.
School Culture
The Circle of Colleagues work out of consensus decision making, a social form which allows the members to transcend personal opinion, strive to understand and listen to what the others in the group have to offer and to suspend judgment . Through all of these activities a caring attitude is fostered throughout the school.

Code of Compassion
- Trust that problems can be worked out.
- Respect others and welcome their differences.
- Use kind words and listen to others.
- Treat people fairly and encourage them to make the right choice.
- Help others and stand up for them

Community Service
As part of our mission, we provide opportunities to connect to the land. Furthermore, we instill “a reverence for the diversity of the human condition that will foster social and cultural responsibility.”

Organizational Structure
Prairie Hill is supported and guided by a three-fold organizational structure, the Board of Trustees, the Circle of Colleagues and the Administration. All three pillars of the school’s bodies work in conjunction with one another and there is no hierarchy. To learn more see page 6 of Parent Handbook by clicking here.