"Waldorf taught me how to think for myself, to be accountable for my actions, to be a good listener, and to be sensitive to the needs of others. It also helped me to focus on the underlying importance of beliefs and values that are the foundation of good leadership."
- KENNETH CHENAULT, CEO and Chairman of American Express, Waldorf Alumn
Awakening to themselves:
Second grade is a time of testing limits, pushing boundaries, and the duality of having one foot in the impulsivity of childhood while reaching towards the ideals of maturity.
A core curriculum component is the study of fables, which portray the complexity of humanity and the relationship between choices and consequences. These morals serve as a guide as the children continue to awaken to themselves. Along with this moral awakening, students develop a greater sense of confidence in every subject as they further explore their intellectual capacities.
Much work is done to nurture the social environment in the second grade as the children experience their own individualities and the challenge of rising above their instincts and personal desires. Friendships deepen as they begin to relate to one another in this new way.
Your second grader will learn:
Mathematics: Number patterns, place value, times tables, the four processes, Roman Numerals
Language Arts: Phonics, fundamentals of reading, letter groups, sentence structure, punctuation, cursive writing
Literature: Fables and important legends from history, Native American stories
Science: Nature and observational studies
Spanish: Phrases and commands, fables, math problems and songs
Physical Education: Basic tumbling, jump rope, parachute play, bean bag games
Handwork: More advanced knitting projects, simple sewing skills
Art: Watercolor painting, beeswax modeling, drawing of abstract concepts
Theater: Class play complementing second grade curriculum, role in community-wide Michaelmas Festival
Music: Singing, flute
Additional information:
Field trips are used to enrich the classroom learning. Prior Waldorf experience is not needed to attend second grade. Classes are filled on a first come/first serve basis.
Schedule: (M, T, W, F) 8:00 a.m. to 3:15 p.m & (Thursdays) 8:00 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.
Drop-off opens at 7:45 a.m. & After Care Available
For more infomation please contact our Admissions Coordinator at 262-646-7497 or admissions@prairiehillwaldorf.org