At first glance, Waldorf may seem dramatically different from mainstream education.
We are.
Our world is changing at unprecedented speeds. Traditional forms of education, performing well on tests and memorizing facts are no longer enough to prepare students for an unknown future. Prairie Hill is here to foster our future innovators, risk-takers, critical thinkers and fearless leaders.
These differences are intentional and what set our students apart, now and in the future.

On Science and Art:
"The Greatest Scientists are Artists Too" -Nala Rogers, Inside Science
On Working with Your Hands:
"New research highlights the fascinating things that happen with your brain when you work with your hands." -Psychology Today
On Working with Your Hands:
Working with Your Hands Does Wonders for Your Brain, Psychology Today
Learn MoreOn Creativity:
"My contention is that creativity now is as important in education as literacy, and we should treat it with the same status." -Sir Ken Robinson on Ted.com
On Technology:
"Teaching is a human experience. Technology is a distraction when we need literacy, numeracy and critical thinking." -Pierre Laurent, from NYT article by Matt Richter
On Learning:
"The academic takeover of American early learning can be understood as a shift from what I would call an 'ideas-based curriculum' to a 'naming-and-labeling-based curriculum.'" -Erika Christakis, The Atlantic
On Play:
"In free play, children learn to make their own decisions, solve their own problems, create and abide by rules, and get along with others as equals rather than as obedient or rebellious subordinates." -Peter Grey, Professor of Psychology at Boston University
On Adaptability:
"IQ is the minimum you need to get a job, but AQ is how you will be successful over time." -Natalie Fratto, VP at Goldman Sachs
On Imagination:
"A central objective of Waldorf teaching is to create a sense of wonder about each subject, even math." -Todd Oppenheimer, The Atlantic
On Play Based Early Childhood:
""I mean, why? Why do we put so much pressure on our pre-K programs?" We might actually get better results, she says, from simply letting little children play." -Anya Kamenetz, NPR
On Imagination:
Early academics push may not be the key to future success, Anya Kamenetz, NPR
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