Parent Handbooks

Jeanne RingParent Handbooks Leave a Comment


Emergency School Closing Information 


Per the information contained in the PHWS Parent Handbook: “Our Inclement Weather Closings will be announced through WISN Channel 4 and WTMJ radio, 620 AM. You may also check our website after 6:30 a.m. Parents are welcome to pick up their child early when conditions make travel from their particular area hazardous. Should the school decide to close before the end of the school day, we will announce through the above sources.Our aim is to have a determination about inclement weather school closings made by 6:30 a.m., with public announcements as early as possible. If After Care Programs close early due to weather, you will be personally called to pick up your child.”In addition: If school is closed, so are all extracurricular activities for that day/eve. This includes sports practices/games, and other school-related activities or meetings.In case of storms developing during the school day, a decision will be made by the school regarding the closing of sports programs and other school related activities. Parent notification will be through the above sources. We encourage parents to develop a plan to handle childcare in the event of a school closing, including other parents who would be able to pick up your child should there be the need to close early. We will do our best to make a timely closing decision, as our faculty and parent body come from a larger distance than most school districts.


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